Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Toddler or Spider Monkey....you decide

So the other day I was down the hall and I hear Ren yelling in his "help me" voice. This is pretty common lately since this kid has no fear and has developed a love for getting himself into or onto things that he cannot get out of.
I round the corner and this is what I see....

So of course I ran to get the camera. He is always so proud of himself ,with the big "look at me smile", that I just have to laugh.

I don't even know how he got the stool over behind the couch. I am guessing he had some help from a certain big sister but she says "I didn't even do it mom".

Kathleen is full of stories about Vaughn climbing all kinds of things. They including a street light pole and the refrigerator, just to name a couple. So I guess this is just a case of "like father like son".

(I am not looking forward to the first run to the emergency room....but I can see it coming.)


Tara said...

Sooo funny! I love his smile in these pictures! He looks so grown up! Boys! If he really is like father like son, those trips to the emergency room will make great stories later. :) Love you guys!

Eliza said...

Too funny! I love the look on his face. You better keep an eye on your light pole and the top of your car!!! haha.

Michelle said...

Sometimes it blows my mind how fearless toddlers can be. Rex jumps off the stairs from way up high its crazy. Ren is sooo adorable. He does look so grown up. I can't believe how much he has changed. I think he is going to be a heartbreaker! Miss you!

Emilie said...

Don't you just love baby boys!! They really keep life so interesting. He has the cutest little expressions! We miss you guys!

Bre 10-E said...

oh man! his facial expressions crack me up!!! and macie being so innocent haha yeah right! i love my little neice and nephew!!!